Frequently Asked Questions - Visit Phong Nha
Visit Phong Nha - experiences the real Phong Nha country side rural and best caves in the world
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get to Phong Nha?

You can get to Phong Nha through a variety of transport methods including flight, train, bus, motorbike or private transport. Please refer to our Getting Here page, which provides specific details on how to get to Phong Nha from different places across Vietnam.

Where is the nearest airport?

The nearest airport to Phong Nha is Dong Hoi Airport. Dong Hoi Airport is located in Dong Hoi City, approximately 40km away from Phong Nha, or 45 minutes by car or motorbike and slightly longer on the local bus. It is a domestic airport, currently only operating flights to destinations within Vietnam. For further information about getting to Phong Nha from Dong Hoi Airport, please refer to Getting Here from Dong Hoi.

Where is the nearest train station?

The nearest train station to Phong Nha is Dong Hoi train station. Dong Hoi train station is located in Dong Hoi City, approximately 40km away from Phong Nha, or 45 minutes by car or motorbike and slightly longer on the local bus. For further information about getting to Phong Nha from Dong Hoi Airport, please refer to Getting Here from Dong Hoi.

Where will the sleeper bus drop me off?

All sleeper bus companies will stop and drop you off in the centre of Phong Nha main street. The bus driver will, usually, clearly inform passengers of arrival. There are many accommodations located in the central area, or within walking distance. If you have pre-booked your accommodation, please check the location – if your accommodation is not centrally located, you may need to arrange a transfer in advance (unfortunately regular metered taxis, Uber or Grab do not operate in this area).

Are there taxis in Phong Nha?

Being a small rural village that is a newcomer to the tourist map, there are currently no metered taxis operating in Phong Nha on a regular basis. Furthermore, transportation apps such as Uber and Grab also do not operate here. However, most accommodations in the area will be able to arrange private cars or motorbike taxi riders to help you get around. Otherwise, you can organise private cars and transfers through Phong Nha Farmstay, whether you are a staying guest with them or not. You can book motorbike taxis through Thang’s Phong Nha Riders – a team of experienced and reliable local riders who will be able to get you around the area safely.

Where can I buy bus/train tickets for onward travel?

There is a variety of bus companies operating buses to and from Phong Nha and other destinations in Vietnam. We recommend the Hung Thanh bus company. You can book tickets with Hung Thanh bus company at their ticketing office which is located at the front of Capture Vietnam Cafe, next to Easy Tiger Hostel on the Phong Nha main street. You can book Vietnam Railway train tickets through this office too, or you can purchase your ticket directly at the train station (the nearest station to Phong Nha is Dong Hoi station, approximately 45 minutes by car). Please note that if you do purchase your ticket on arrival at the train station and it is a busy time of year (such as the Lunar New Year period), you may not get the seat or bed that you’d hoped for, or you may not even get a seat at all!

Where can I rent a motorbike?

There is plenty of places around central Phong Nha where you can rent automatic scooters for a reasonable price, ranging from 80,000 VND – 150,000 VND a day. Please note that the reliability and safety of these motorcycles is not guaranteed. We highly recommend test driving any motorbike and ensuring that breakdown rescue is available before paying and heading out on your journey. If you are not an experienced rider, or you have never ridden a motorbike before, we highly recommend using a safer mode of transport for getting around the area such as Thang’s Phong Nha Riders.

Where is the fuel station?

From the centre of Phong Nha, head east towards the Ho Chi Minh Highway (QL16) and turn left onto the side road located directly after the mountain with the big Phong Nha Ke-Bang sign. This road is located before the Ho Chi Minh Highway (QL16) T-Junction, so if you get to the Highway T-Junction, you’ve gone too far. After turning onto the side road, continue straight for about 300 metres, and the fuel station is located on the right side. The fuel price ranges from 17,000 – 20,000vnd (less than $1 USD) per litre.

Where can I rent a bicycle?

There are a number of places along the Phong Nha main street that rent bicycles out for between 20,000 – 40,000 VND (approximately $1 – $2 USD) a day. Most of the bicycles available in the village are cruiser style bicycles, and these are perfect for cycling around the village, along the river or around the rice paddies, because it is flat. If you are thinking about adventuring in the National Park on a bicycle, there are a handful of hotels which have a few mountain bikes which might be preferable for the steeper terrain. The rental price for a mountain bike may be higher.

Can I cycle into the National Park?

The National Park is mountainous and steep, but some adventurists do choose to cycle there and around, although this is quite a task, especially as there is limited availability of suitable bicycles for this terrain in Phong Nha. Most people explore the National Park by motorbike, either riding one themselves or hiring a motorbike taxi or rider (we recommend Thang’s Phong Nha Riders). However, there are plenty of places to go and things to do by bicycle which are an easier ride!

How far away is the National Park?

The National Park entrance is located approximately 6km away from the centre of Phong Nha.

How do I get to the National Park?

The National Park entrance gate is located approximately 6km away from the centre of Phong Nha, and the route that goes around the National Park itself is a 45km circuit. If you are planning to visit the National Park, you will need transport there and back. The most exciting way to experience the wonders of the National Park is by going on one of the many guided tours that are available, in which all transport, food, equipment and fees are covered. Alternatively, if guided tours aren’t your thing, or if you’re working with a strict budget, there are other ways to get there and have fun. Most people explore the National Park by motorbike, either riding one themselves or hiring a motorbike taxi or rider (we recommend Thang’s Phong Nha Riders). You can also hire a private car to take you around the National Park. The National Park is mountainous and steep, but some adventurists do choose to cycle there and around, although this is quite a task, especially as there is limited availability of suitable bicycles for this terrain in Phong Nha.